Discover some of the best resources for learning Mandarin Online with our definitive list.
Learning Chinese isn’t the easiest thing in the world but it sure doesn’t have to be hard.
To prove this we’ve created a special FREE Learn Chinese PDF showing what ten Chinese language experts have to say.
Each of our experts, including LTL’s Founder Andreas Laimboeck, give their advice and tips on how to crack Chinese in twice the time they did.
Avoid the day to day pitfalls, don’t fall into traps and cut out the rubbish. Get stuck into the nitty gritty of Chinese and get practising from day one.

Our Free Learn Chinese E-Book includes great tips on how to crack Chinese from ten different angles. Each expert has given their own spin which makes the download well worth your time. What’s best, learning words or full sentences?
Should I start learning to read or write first. How can I master the tones in Chinese?
How do I overcome motivation and actually enjoy learning Chinese? It’s all covered and it’s completely free. We hope you enjoy the read.
You can also study Mandarin with LTL online, 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week.
Our new Flexi Classes system was launched in 2020 and has proved to be a revolutionary way of learning the language.
No time zone stresses, fully certified teachers, and complete freedom to choose your study schedule.
Check out our introductory video.