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At LTL Language School we offer the most immersive Mandarin learning experience.

Live with a Chinese speaking family and speak Mandarin 24/7.

In a nutshell our Homestay experience in Taipei allows you to live with a Chinese family and experience Chinese culture to the full.

Enjoy true immersion, speak Mandarin 24/7 and enjoy some once in a lifetime experiences with your new family as you become a part of their family.

Homestay in Taiwan Program

Explore the Culture

Experience Taipei – Live with a local family, embrace it
Unique – Our homestays all have a great living environment
Immersion, 100% – Speak Chinese all day long
Meet the Family – Plenty of new faces to meet and greet!

Over a Decade in the Industry

Experience – We pick only the best homestay families
Your New Home – Feel right at home from the very start
Selected Carefully – We don’t just select any families

Food to Die For

Authentic – Fresh and delicious, the best of Taipei
Healthy – Chinese meals are some of the healthiest around
Endless – Chinese food is so diverse, discover it all
For everyone – Vegetarian, vegan, gluten free options available

Speak Mandarin 24/7

Keep talking – Take home what you learn each day and apply it
Keep learning – Study hard and the rewards will show
Keep listening – Breathe in Mandarin all day every day


Our homestay program is one of our most proud achievements since starting LTL Mandarin School and it shows in popularity with our students. Roughly 80% of our students choose to stay with a Chinese host family.

A key element of learning Chinese is to speak it 24/7 and not get caught in a “foreign bubble”, which is very easy to do.

Living with a Chinese host family takes that temptation away, and you will also improve your speaking skills tremendously.


Immersion is a huge part about learning Chinese in our opinion and so it shows. Our students who stay with a homestay and learn Mandarin individually will generally always make quicker progress.

Our homestay program is the jewel in the LTL crown, where you’ll be speaking Mandarin 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s all good and well learning Chinese at school but what about when class finishes?

You meet your foreign friends, drink at foreign venues and make foreign friends. It’s the natural and more comfortable thing to do but we advise against this and the homestay program is a great way of keeping the Mandarin ticking along all day.

Go home, and put in to practice exactly what you learned throughout the day.

You get experience real life in Taiwan, how families live, meet locals and make friends with Taiwanese. It’s an experience very few people get to enjoy and it’s one you’ll never forget, for all the right reasons.

It’s important to us as much as you that every detail is ironed out to your liking, so please do contact us using the live chat, or using the contact form above if you have any questions.

BONUS || We also teach Taiwanese Hokkien too. Fancy trying it out?


We select our Homestay families in Taiwan very carefully.

It’s not about accepting any family onto the program, they must fit our strict criteria before being accepted to look after our students. Location, family, level of English, facilities, apartment and many more things come into thinking when selecting our families in Taiwan.

In terms of the apartment they will all boast the facilities you’d expect, WiFi, private bedroom with lock, kitchen, air conditioning and heating.

All bills will be covered in the price.

We strive to make sure apartments are as close to our school as possible, this is very important to us. There maybe the exception, where a family fits our criteria perfectly but is located 45 minutes away for example.

When speaking to you about your program we make absolute sure what is most important for you.

If location is hugely important, we will take that into account, if you are a little more lenient about this, likewise, we note this down when selecting your family.


There are two homestay options available depending on what food you wish to be provided. All prices are listed below in New Taiwan Dollars (NTD/TWD). Please contact us if you have any questions.

DurationHomestay (Half Board)
1 week17,441
2 weeks33,867
3 weeks49,320
4 weeks63,845
5 weeks77,482
6 weeks90,270
7 weeks102,248
8 weeks113,451
9 weeks123,915
10 weeks133,673
11 weeks142,758
12 weeks151,200
13-52 weeks (price per week)12,600
extra night2,907 / night
Prices are all in New Taiwan Dollars (NTD)

Standard Homestay includes:

  • Live with a Homestay in Taiwan
  • All families are Mandarin speaking
  • Bedroom with lock
  • Desk, bed and sheets provided
  • WIFI, heating, air-conditioning and all bills included
  • Meals included (either two meals or one)
  • Ideally located nearby LTL Taiwan School

Further Information:

  • Vegan, vegetarian, halal and gluten free – communicate with us and we will help
  • Other special dietary requirements also
  • Teenagers: especially selected families for youngsters
  • English speaking: If you’d be more comfortable with a family who speak a little English, we can arrange this

In terms of studying Chinese in Taipei you can choose our popular Mandarin group courses, or study Chinese 1-on-1 for even quicker progress.

As with every single LTL Chinese program in Taiwan, you can book your accommodation for as long as you wish. This also includes before your Chinese course, or after.

NOTE: As always with LTL there are no extra charges or additional fees. You will not be charged an accommodation finding fee, registration fee, high season supplement or any other ridiculous “fees” that some companies come up with.


80% of students stay with Homestays, but the others?

They take advantage of our great value apartments or they find their own accommodation.

How do you select your host families?

A number of criteria must be adhered to to become a host family with LTL.

The family itself must be “LTL people”, the must enjoy interacting with foreigners and helping your Chinese along.

English speaking is not something we want, the whole point in a homestay is Immersion.

Alongside this things such as distance from the school, household facilities, the family (and extended family), the food they provide… and many more things.

Everything must be right so you can rest assured that when you arrive, you are in good hands.

Do I get access to a house key?

Absolutely yes.

What about washing my clothes?

All households will have a washing machine.

Either the family will do your washing for you or they will direct you how to use the machine. Do ask them if you are unsure on the situation.

Can I lock my bedroom door?

You will be able to lock your bedroom door, yes.

What about if I want to come home late at night?

Of course this is fine but just respect your host family.

As with any family, if they are asleep they don’t want to be disturbed, especially if they are getting up early.

Will I receive information about the family?

Sure you will. We will send a document with details of your Taiwan host family which will show names, family members and some pictures of the household.

Can I change homestays?

It is very rare this is asked but it is possible to change your Homestay in Taiwan if you wish.

Please talk to us before, we’ll sit down, weigh up your options and discuss your problems. If there is no solution then we will look for a suitable replacement.

How will I get to LTL Taiwan on Day 1?

Your host family will bring you to school on your first day and take you back home also if you wish.

On Day 2 you are on your own but please feel free to ask your host family, or us, for directions.

Generally the journey from door to door is nice and comfortable and after one or two days it’ll be a piece of cake.

TOP TIP | Don’t forget to have an Instant Messaging App ready (preferably Line) with your SIM card so you can send anyone a message if you are a little lost.

Can I bring someone back to stay with me?

No you can’t, once again, it’s important to respect your host family and their household.

How will I be matched to a homestay family?

Your registration form that you’ll fill out will tell us your exact requirements.

From here we decide which family is best suited to you, relating to diet, location, smoking and a host of other factors.

There are still some things I want to ask, what can I do?

Please get in touch with us if there are some unanswered questions.

Coming to stay with a family in Taiwan is a big deal so you are bound to have some questions. Use the contact button at the top of the page or the live chat feature at the bottom right of the page.

What our students say

Savannah Testimony for LTL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"My homestay family (Sun Xiao Ying and Lin Bai Le) were fantastic and a home away from home for me. I’m really pleased with how much I’ve learned here and would definitely consider coming back."

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Florian Testimony for LTL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I stayed with LTL for 3 months and my experience at my homestay was exceptional. The apartment was clean at all times and Angelina really put effort into keeping it clean. I thank LTL and especially Angelina for that."

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William Testimony for LTL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I have been consistently impressed with the quality and variety of dishes prepared by my Beijing family. These range from simple rice dishes with chicken or pork to more elaborate fish dinners"

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LTL Programs

  • Group Classes

    Full time

    Study Chinese in Taiwan with our small groups classes. Excel and enhance your Chinese language skills with our excellent new school and first class teachers.

    Learn More